Adopting a Cat Helps with Mental Health Recovery

Lisa Lewolt
3 min readMay 27, 2022

Cats are known for being naturally affectionate and loving, so it’s no surprise that they make great pets. And recent studies have found that having pets can actually improve the mental health of their human companions.

The results of this study were published by researchers at the University of Helsinki in Finland in the journal PLOS ONE. The researchers studied data from 4,500 people who had been asked about their relationships with their pets and their symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress. The results showed that people with pets have fewer symptoms of depression than those without pets.

The researchers also found that people with pets had lower levels of cortisol — a hormone produced by the body in response to stress — than those without pets or those who did not interact with their cats or dogs at all. This suggests that interacting with animals can help reduce stress and anxiety levels in humans as well as providing companionship and support during difficult times such as divorce or illness. This is because cats are very sensitive animals and are able to sense any changes in their owners’ moods or emotions. In fact, just petting a cat can lower stress levels by up to 65%.

Cats are known for their ability to help people relax, and this is especially true when it comes to cat owners.

Owning a cat also helps people sleep better at night. If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, you should consider adopting a feline friend! Cats are great at helping their owners relax before bedtime and can even be trained to wake them up when it’s time for work or school (depending on how much sleep they need).

Cats are great companions! You can train them to do tricks like fetch or sit. A cat will always be there for you, even when life gets tough. So if you need someone who’ll listen while you cry over an ex-boyfriend (and then tell you how much better off without him).

Cats are very playful animals which makes them great companions for children who want something fun to do together after school or on weekends (especially during summer vacation). They will keep each other occupied while parents get some peace and quiet from loud noises coming from outside rooms where kids were playing earlier in the day.

They’re easy going pets that don’t require much maintenance either; therefore there’s no need to worry about feeding them every day or cleaning up after them

Cats are great for helping people feel more connected to the world around them, which can help with loneliness. And once you have a cat in your life, the benefits don’t stop there: there’s even evidence that cats can help people living with anxiety or other psychological conditions feel less alone and more motivated to get out of bed each morning.

